Sunday 6 May 2012

Lesson Plan


Name of the teacher                                   :                                                           Unit: 2, Short Story:  The Story Teller

Name of the School                                     :                                                           Sub-unit                     : Paragraphs 1-3

Subject                                              :           English                                                                      

Standard                                           :           VIII

Strength                                            :                                              

Duration                                           :           45 minutes

Date                                                   :

Content Generation

Ideational Content

            The passage is about a train journey where there is an aunt, three curious children and a bachelor who is a total stranger to them.  The children are very restless and the aunt is finding it difficult to handle them.

Linguistic Content

            Vocabulary items-  sultry, occupants, persistent, smacking, reluctantly, fatuously, inevitable.

           Structural items - Contracted forms - Don’t, there’s

Additional Content

The child’s experience of travelling by train.

Synthetic Content

            Letter writing describing the child’s travel experience.

Learning Objectives

The learner

1.      Analyzes the literary text and identify the theme of the passage.

2.      Gets acquainted with the new vocabulary given in the passage.

3.      Improves his/her writing skills by describing any travel experience.

4.      Comprehends structural items in the passage like contracted forms.

5.      Develops his/her creativity through conversation, role play etc.

6.      Becomes aware of how to behave in public places.


The learner

1.      Has gone for trips especially by train.

2.      Has written letters on his/her own.

3.      Is familiar with the use of negative forms of words in speech and writing.

Instructional Strategies

            Group work for collaborative reading, individual work for letter writing, peer correction

Learning Aids - Blackboard, flashcards, charts, pictures

I.                   Entry activity
The teacher creates rapport with the students by engaging in informal conversation.  The teacher asks some questions in order to introduce the topic.
 Do you like to hear stories?
 What kind of stories do you like to hear?
Have you ever travelled by train?
Can you share your experience about a train journey?

The students engage in role play.  The selected few pick up lots that include characters that we usually find in a railway station like station master, Traveller’s Ticket Examiner, snack vendor, the  clerk at the station counter, passengers like a mother and child etc.  Then the other students have to guess which character is being acted out.

The teacher mentions the gist of the passage by saying that it is about a train journey where there is an aunt, three curious children and a bachelor who is a total stranger   to them.  The children are very restless and the aunt is finding it difficult to handle them.

The teacher shows the picture of the author and gives a brief description about him.  The author’s name is Hector Hugh Munro.  He is also known by his pen name Saki.  He is a British writer and is considered a master of short stories.  His stories are usually satirical.

The teacher uses the blackboard for writing the name of the lesson and the author.

II. Reading
Model Reading
The teacher reads the story loudly to the students.
Individual reading
The teacher asks the students to read the story on their own.
Collaborative Reading
The teacher divides the students into groups and asks them to read the passage.  They are asked to put a ( ü ) mark if they have understood, a (?) mark if they do not and an (!) mark if they find anything surprising or interesting.  The teacher helps the students to clarify the meaning of new words/usages.
The teacher then asks the students to highlight the important ideas in the passage.
Who were the occupants of the railway carriage?
Why did the aunt shout at Cyril?
       What did the boy see on looking out of the window?
 Scaffolded Reading
The teacher further asks scaffolding questions in order to provide an in depth idea about the passage.
1.      Who are the characters you have met so far in the story? List at least one of their attributes.  Refer to page-48.
Aunt            : Always says ‘don’t’
Bachelor      :
The boy       :
2.      What might be the thought processes of the bachelor regarding the happenings in the train compartment?
3.      The aunt always says ‘don’t’.  ‘Don’t’ is the contracted form of ‘do not’. Find out some other contracted forms commonly used in English.
I’m         -  I am
There’s    There is
Won’t    -
Wouldn’t –
Didn’t        -
      Couldn’t    -

III. Preparation of Discourse
Write a letter to a friend narrating your travel experience.
The students are asked to prepare the discourse individually.  They are then expected to discuss their discourses in groups and to select the best product of the group.  After this, they refine the product within their groups.

Presentation of the Discourse
The students present their refined discourses before their peers.
The teacher helps the students to edit their discourses.  The students discuss about the ideas to be incorporated in the discourse as well as aspects like thematic editing, syntactic editing, morphological editing, spelling and punctuation errors.
Presentation of Teacher’s Version
The teacher presents her own version of the discourse.

Dear Meera
     Hope you did your exams well.  I might come to Delhi to meet you during the  Onam holidays. I am so excited about the journey.
       Last time when I travelled by train, I had a lot of fun with my brother.  We played cards, read books, watched the scenery and occasionally bought snacks from the vendors.  I really enjoyed that journey. See you soon.
                                                                               With love
Follow-up activity
         The teacher provides certain follow-up tasks based on what the students have learned in the class.

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