Tuesday 6 October 2015

Topics for projects

Topics for projects:
  1. Preparation of certain instructional materials for nursing students/trainees/economically poor schools/ special schools...
  2. Developing a Test Battery to diagnose errors in language usage of ...
  3. Preparing a learning package for mothers of students at Anganwadi's to guide their children in writing English Alphabet...
  4. Preparing scripts for staging street plays that address social issues...
  5. Preparing videos on social issues...
  6. Developing discourses suggested in the textbooks of standard 8, for example: under 'slogan writing', if our students are able to prepare a collection of slogans and similar discourses wouldn't that be useful for school students and teachers!!!
More topics may pop up! Any ideas do share
Anita Teacher

1 comment:

  1. You can Learn English lessons online,
    please visit
    more info
