Monday 5 October 2015

The outcome of the discussion at the Assembly Hall (10/8/2015) SEMESTER 1-PRACTICAL WORK IN EDU 107.2

The outcome of the discussion at the Assembly Hall (10/8/2015)

1.     Each teacher educand will have to write a lesson plan each for three Microteaching skills namely, skill of stimulus variation, skill of fluency in questioning, skill of reinforcement and maintain a Record of these lesson plans.
2.     Each teacher educand will have to take any one microteaching skill among peers and again have that in his/ her portfolio as this is an evidence that the student has taken the class.
3.     The teacher educand has to reflect on this microteaching class and document his/her feelings, thoughts, things learnt, etc., in the Reflective Journal.
4.     Each teacher educand has to take a link practice session wherein more than one microteaching skill is introduced in a 15 or 20 minutes class. This is again to be taken before their peers. The lesson plan for the same is to be placed in the student’s portfolio and the experience will be documented in the Reflective Journal. A format of the Journal will be uploaded by the Board of Studies. However, a sample of a reflective journal will be attached for a clearer understanding.
5.     The teacher educand is to take a lesson using ICT-ppt/computer/etc., and have a report and Record of the same. The time duration (10 minutes/15 minutes/20 minutes/etc.,) can be fixed by the teachers. To make the task easy, the link lesson prepared by the student can be written in a manner so as to incorporate ICT. Anyway, the teacher educand must have a lesson with ICT in his/her Record.
6.     The teacher educandis to do a project which can be individual or a group project that is of some relevance to the community. It is desirable to do the project in a format put up in our blog-ENGLISH TEACHER EDUCATORS FORUM MG UNIVERSITY
7.     The project can be either handwritten or typed. If the topics are selected in a wise way instances of plagiarism can be minimized. This project is to develop a commitment towards society. The topics for the project could be shared when we assemble at St. Joseph’s Training college, Ernakulam on Saturday, 22/8/2015.
N.B: Everything that the student reflects upon in his/her Journal should have an evidence in the Portfolio of that student.
For example, if a student writes that the microteaching session proved to be a fruitful learning experience for him/her, the teacher educand has to show proof that he/she has taken the class on microteaching by placing the lesson plan taken by him in the Portfolio (bag of things which are placed in a particular order according to the creativity of the student).
He /she can even place the comments made by his peers or teacher in a recorded form in CDs or get a written proof by these people and place it in his/her bag of personal experiences!
The students who get a feel of this modern way of documenting evidences may even take a photo of their class in progress and place it in the portfolio as proof.
There is no end to the things that can be placed in the Portfolio, but the teacher educator can guide them in selecting two or three of their best pieces, otherwise, the student’s Portfolio would become too large and hard to manage!

1.     The teacher educand has to record 5 Discussion lessons, 5 Demonstration lessons, and 5 Criticism lessons.
2.     They need to take 10 lessons at school. It need not be in one class. A supervision diary of their daily class needs to be maintained wherein the school teacherhas to write her/his observations regarding the teacher educand’sclass.
3.     The teacher educand has to document his experience at school during the 4 week induction period in a periodic (after a set of two or three classes) manner, and mention it in his/her Reflective Journal. Proof of the experience needs to be placed in the Portfolio too.
1.     The teacher educand has to prepare 50 lesson plans and maintain that Record.
2.     The periodic reflection of the classes taken must come in the reflective journal( ie., once every week, or twice every week,etc., as the teacher educator decides)
3.     The teacher educand has also to prepare 5 innovative lessons with any strategy like-collaborative, brainstorming, discussion, story-telling,etc.
4.     The teacher educator can decide if it can be 5 innovative lessons with the same strategy or 5 innovative lessons with different strategies. You may also select a lesson based on the Models of teaching, if required. Anyway, the educand has to have 5 more lessons other than the stipulated 50 lessons. These innovative lessons may be taken in any class, in any grade.
5.     A supervision diary must be maintained for the 50+ 5 innovative lessons. The educators who need to visit the school at least 4 times must also make entry in the educand’s supervision diary.
6.     A proof of the innovative class taken is to be placed in the Portfolio. Reflection of these experiences can be documented in the Reflective Journal.
7.     Teacher educands are to do some club/forum activities for school students and make an entry of the proof, like, school teacher’s comment, or student’s comment, or programme schedule or sequence of events ratified by the school teacher, in the Portfolio. These activities can be discussed later at Ernakulam.
8.     Teacher educandshave to prepare a self-assessment tool for school students and administer it on school students. They will have to place the proof of it in their portfolio. Things like: the copy of the self-assessment tool prepared by the educand& one or two copies of school students’ assessment can be placed in the Portfolio. Teacher educandcan write their experience of preparing the self-assessment tool in the Reflective Journal too. The numbering of events in the Journal can be the same for the evidences put in the Portfolio.
For example:
 If the reflection on Microteaching is numbered 1 in the Journal then the evidences in the Portfolio can be numbered as
1.a Lesson plan on microteaching
1.b Feedback of peers on their microteaching skill
1.c Photos or videos of class if taken, etc
9.     However, the numbering of documents is left to the discretion of the teacher educator and teacher educands at college.
10.                        Each student has to maintain documents of peer observation of 2 classes taken by their friends during the 4 month teaching practice. The experience of doing 2 observations can be reflected as one event in the Reflective Journal. The classes observed by peers can be the innovative lessons too. Proof of the work done must come in the student portfolio.
11.                         The teacher educand has to prepare a diagnostic test and arrange remedial programme for school students. The copy of the test, proof of marks obtained, and the mode of remedial classes taken must be put in the Portfolio.
 Reflection of this event is to be written in the Reflective Journal.
12.                        Similarly, an Achievement test & its analysis, Unit plan & Unit test are to be prepared and administered. Reflection of these events namely-achievement test, unit plan preparation & preparation and administration of Unit test needs to be mentioned in the Reflective Journal. Proof of work done and experiences gained must be placed in the Portfolio.

N.B: All the Practicals and Practicum undertaken has to be mentioned in the Reflective Journal and their evidences must be placed in the Portfolio. These are the minimum requirements. More events if desired can be added.
13.  In the Valedictory presentation and viva voce, a power point presentation of the work done so far ie., in the I& II Semesters are to be mentioned in brief by the teacher educand as proof of their genuine work.

1.     The teacher educand has to do a SWOT analysis wherein he/she identifies his/her STRENGTHS (as a teacher, in handling various language skills, in preparation of work, etc), WEAKNESSES (areas of development, need to focus more, etc.), OPPORTUNITIES (what all things can be done for improvement, or developing certain skills etc.), and THREATS (the challenges that need to be faced and overcome, the demands of society, school, home etc. about the teacher etc…)
2.     The teacher educand has to reflect on this process and write her feelings etc. in the Reflective Journal. Proof of the analysis done must come in the Portfolio.
3.     Any one educational Journal needs to be reviewed by the teacher educand. It can be an online journal too but the cite needs to mentioned. Reflection on this event must come in the Reflective Journal and proof in the Portfolio.
4.     The teacher educand has to upload on his/her own blog or a group blog a journal article prepared by them. The article may be anything done in the core papers too. The Report and article must be placed in the portfolio. Reflection of this event must come in the Reflective Journal.
N.B: The total work (practical cum practicum) done by student teachers in all the subjects will be ratified by an external board comprising two teachers during the 4th Semester.
Remember, the student portfolio will contain proof of all events or the practical done by the student in the core courses and all the other allied courses too. The once mentioned above under various semesters are the things that are to be arranged by Optional teachers in their respective subjects.
Hope these thoughts were useful!!!
Warm regards,
Anita Teacher

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